Our Story...
In 2023, amidst the timeless allure of rural landscapes nestled between two iconic pecan orchards, Pecan Grove Estates was born. The vision of Homestead Equity LLC, this pristine subdivision pays tribute to the enduring passion of our loving father, Carlos O. Rodriguez. A man whose love for pecans was as deep as his passion for real estate, Mr. Rodriguez’s legacy lives on in every inch of this development.
Pecan Grove isn’t just another subdivision; it’s an escape from the ceaseless pace of urban life. With generous parcels of land, residents are graced with the heart of country living, all while staying close to urban amenities. Our vision is clear: to offer tranquil New Mexican living without the burden of El Paso’s higher property taxes. At Pecan Grove Estates, our core values shine through — delivering luxury country living that never compromises on value or quality. Welcome to a legacy of passion, welcome to Pecan Grove Estates.